What were the good, bad, and interesting things from season 8 episode 5 of AMC’s The Walking Dead titled ‘The Big Scary U’ on November 19, 2017?
Last week, The Walking Dead broke the hearts of millions of viewers by showing all of the losses that people from The Hilltop suffered during their assault on a satellite compound during All-Out War against Negan and The Saviors. This week fans got something a little different.
Season 8 episode 5 titled ‘The Big Scary U’ shifted the focus from The Kingdom back to The Sanctuary, where we got a look at what is going on behind the scenes and what is happening in the trailer with Father Gabriel and Negan.
All-Out War will continue to wage on as Alexandria, The Hilltop, and The Kingdom fight against Negan and The Saviors for their freedom until one side is victorious. And the question of who will win that war is a big one, but there is another big question out there.
Was this week’s episode of The Walking Dead any good? Let’s break down the good, bad, and interesting things from episode 805 titled ‘The Big Scary U’ starting with the positives!