The Walking Dead prediction: Will All Out War end before the break?

Khary Payton as King Ezekiel, Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Rhee, The Walking Dead -- AMC
Khary Payton as King Ezekiel, Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Rhee, The Walking Dead -- AMC

As we prepare for the midseason finale of The Walking Dead, there’s one question on everyone’s mind and lots of predictions about it.

All Out War on The Walking Dead has been building to a fever pitch since the season premiere in October. As we prepare for the midseason finale, entitled “How It’s Gotta Be,” we have to wonder whether or not All Out War will wrap up or whether it will continue into the second half of the season.

Prediction: It Ain’t Over By A Long Shot

Rick’s plan seemed pretty sound and things were going along swimmingly until the Kingdommers were ambushed and Daryl and Tara went rogue with a plan of their own. As Rick arrived at the Sanctuary with the Scavengers, he was alarmed to see that the Walkers weren’t surrounding the Sanctuary as they had been before he went to see Jadis.

Negan is plotting his revenge and he knows that Rick’s numbers took a hit when they slaughtered Ezekiel’s people. He’s not going to roll over and take this from Rick without answering the challenge with a counterattack of his own, and if we know anything about the leader of the Saviors we know that Negan will do something bigger and badder than anything we have seen yet.

All Out War so far has only lasted a few days and with the Saviors rallying their resources there is still a lot left to do. That makes it highly unlikely that the war will be over by the end of the first half of the season.

I do believe, however, that the fallout won’t last long and the war will wrap up early in the second half of season 8. There is a lot yet to be done and so it makes sense to wrap up 8A with a cliffhanger and use that as a springboard into 8B.

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With one episode left the TWD Family needs to buckle up and get ready because the battle is far from over and the stakes are higher than ever.