Was the season 8 midseason finale of The Walking Dead any good? Here are the good, bad, and interesting things from season 8 episode 8 ‘How It’s Gotta Be’.
Advertised as one of the most shocking episodes of The Walking Dead of all time, fans sat on the edge of their seat during the entire midseason finale waiting for the moments their jaws would hit the ground.
But did that moment come? Were fans truly shocked by what AMC brought fans in season 9 episode 8 of the popular zombie survival drama series it did it create expectations that could not be reached?
Even more than just the shocking moments, was the episode as a whole a good one or did it not quite reach expectations? And what were the good, bad, and interesting things from season 8 episode 8 titled ‘How It’s Gonna Be’?
Let’s break down all the action from the midseason finale of The Walking Dead starting with the things we enjoyed most from the super-sized episode!