4. Carl Loses His Eye
Season 6, “No Way Out”
Carl had already been shot pretty seriously once, back in season 2. But in season 6 he gets shot again when Ron Anderson tries to shoot Rick after Jessie and Sam are attacked by walkers. The group was trying to get out of an overrun Alexandria by covering themselves with walker guts and walking through the herd. Carl was in front of Jessie, who had a tight grip on his hand. When Jessie was attacked after seeing Sam eaten by walkers in front of her she didn’t fight, but she didn’t let go of Carl either. Rick was eventually forced to chop off her hand to make her let go of Carl.
Ron fired at Rick’s back, but Michonne stabbed him just as he was firing so the shot went astray. It ended up hitting Carl just under the eye. A fragment of the bullet went into his eye. But still Carl didn’t scream or cry out. Somehow even though he had to be in searing pain and terrified he kept his voice controlled and quiet as he signaled to Rick. The image of Carl standing with a horrific eye wound and bleeding, covered in walker guts and surrounded by walkers, was a striking one.
Michonne and Rick both went into a frenetic killing spree to get Carl back to Alexandria and Dr. Denise. Carl lived, although he lost that eye. But his ability to take such a horrific injury and still not yell, scream, or do anything to get the attention of the walkers was amazing.