1) When Dwight tries to convince Eugene not to rat him out, he mentions “the screams”. What else is going on at The Sanctuary? While one’s first thought might go to rapes, if Negan’s reaction to David last season is any indication, that’s unlikely, so…what else could be happening?
2) In something of a revealing moment, Eugene’s speech to Father Gabriel seems to indicate that he’s not loyal to The Saviors, but what they represent. Eugene seems to believe wholeheartedly in Negan’s vision of what The Saviors are supposed to be.
3) Eugene believes that Father Gabriel wearing a walker cloak is what caused him to get infected. If so, it would be the first case of such camouflage causing someone to get sick in either Walking Dead series.
4) The light pouring down on Father Gabriel through the window is quite symbolic both of his profession, and his redemption (Perhaps even his attempt to redeem Eugene?). Will it also be foreshadowing?
5) While the nature of the walkers has been quite obvious since the series began, Father Gabriel may be the first person to point out how crazy the idea of them might have appeared before the outbreak.
6) Tanya is the second person this episode to tell Eugene how bad things within The Sanctuary (Without the walkers) truly are.
7) While Tanya thinks that Negan’s demise would have improved their lot at The Sanctuary, if what we learned about Negan, Simon, and their respective relationships to the workers in “The Big Scary U” is any indication, her assessment is a little…optimistic.