Beware the AMC app if you haven’t seen The Walking Dead 808

Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

For anyone who might be waiting to watch the midseason finale of The Walking Dead on the AMC app, be advised that there be spoilers ahead.

I got a call from my sister the Tuesday after The Walking Dead’s season 8 midseason finale. She didn’t watch it live and was watching it on the AMC app. During a commercial break twenty-two minutes into the show there was an AMC ad that spoiled the entire episode, revealing three major plot points: (Spoiler) burns to the ground, (Spoiler) and (Spoiler) with (Spoiler) fight it out and (Spoiler) gets bitten. It lays it all out during the commercial telling you to catch up on the show you’re in the middle of watching.

Nicely done, AMC.

The lesson here is to be advised that watching The Walking Dead on the AMC app could lead to spoilers.

We all know in this age of the internet and social media that it’s easy to run into spoilers online, but this is a bit different. In an ad on the AMC app that tells you to get caught up on The Walking Dead using the AMC app, there are massive spoilers for the episode they’re telling you to watch.


Clearly, this might be upsetting to some people who don’t like to have their shows spoiled.

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Surely, though, since this is the AMC app it stands to reason that they can control the advertising during certain shows. This should be an easy fix, one that should be done ASAP. There are people who wait a few days to get caught up, and this kind of advertising should be avoided for at least a week after the show airs to ensure that everyone has a shot at seeing it unspoiled.