The Walking Dead fans celebrate Norman Reedus on his birthday

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus celebrated a birthday this weekend and The Walking Dead fans took to Twitter to celebrate with a very special hashtag.

Daryl Dixon was never supposed to become the core character he has become on The Walking Dead. In fact, Daryl Dixon was never really supposed to be on the show. The character doesn’t exist in the comic.

But when Reedus auditioned for the role of Merle Dixon he made such a big impression that the rold of Daryl Dixon was created for him. Originally the character was supposed to be a minor character that got killed off quickly. But fans immediately fell in love with the redneck with a heart of gold and the actor who plays him.

On January 6th the actor who plays him, Norman Reedus, celebrated his 49th birthday. His devoted fanbase on Twitter started a hashtag to honor him: #49reasonsWeLoveNormanReedus. Here are some of the best Tweets:

In season 3 Daryl had a real crossroads moment when he had to decide whether to leave the group and go with Merle or stay with the only people who had ever really respected and loved him. While he initially left with Merle, he ultimately decided to go back to the group. And he never left again.

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8 seasons later Daryl Dixon is still fighting for survival and for the people he loves. And fans still love him. His special connection with Carol keeps fans hoping that Caryl will finally become canon one day. Despite his mistakes his heart, his loyalty, and his willingness to risk it all for those he loves make him a character that fans love.