60 movies featuring The Walking Dead actors releasing in 2018

ByAdam Carlson|
Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

The cast of The Walking Dead has been busy outside of the AMC zombie drama series, and you can see several cast members in films releasing in 2018.

AMC has brought many great actors to the small screen to be part of their popular zombie survival drama series The Walking Dead. While fans adore those actors in the apocalypse, they can also see them in other projects.

Since 2018 is still pretty fresh, many fans are looking forward to the return of The Walking Dead to AMC, but there is plenty to hold viewers over since the cast members of the television juggernaut have been working hard on some interesting films.

Here are 60 (yes, SIXTY) of the films being released in 2018  by past or present cast members of the show who have been in more than five episodes of Robert Kirkman’s undead drama according to IMDB:

Movies With Release Dates

More from Undead Walking

Release Date To Be Announced:

Next: Index of The Walking Dead deaths by season

Which of these movies will you be checking out during 2018? And is there one actor in particular from The Walking Dead who you never miss any project of theirs? Let us know in the comments below. Plus, let me know if there are any that I missed at @MNVikingZombie on Twitter.