77. The Governor Takes Out Martinez
Episode 407 “Dead Weight”
Original Airdate: 11/24/2013
Submitted By: Nir Regev
You don’t come between a man, his new life and family. Martinez thought he had the tables turned on The Governor, leverage on his side. The numbers and firepower gave a boost but the long game is never as simple as it appears. Martinez never lived to tell the tale of his most costly mistake, asking to share the power.
One game of golf was all it took for Philip to teach Martinez he plays chess not checkers. A swing for the ages and Martinez was done for, falling off the trailer. Drowsy, drunk, and injured. Never to return. Ambition lost and buried.
How to not negotiate a successful business meeting with The Governor:
Mistake #1: Drinking by The Governor and getting drunk.
Mistake #2: Asking The Governor to rule together as equals unlike Woodbury.
Mistake #3: Turning your back on The Governor
Mistake #4: No one ever gets to mistake 4. Too late folks.
The Governor holds Mr. Caesar Martinez over a pit of walkers after the golf club strike… Ending any chance of a partnership and effectively ending Martinez’ time on The Walking Dead as a hungry, hungry walker takes notice of the bait.
The Governor back at the throne, Robin Hood vanquished.