The Walking Dead: Top 100 Moments

81 of 101

21. Shiva Saves the Day

Episode 804 “Some Guy”

Original Airdate: 11/12/2017

Submitted by: Sarabeth Pollock

By now we know that death is a natural part of The Walking Dead, but there was one death in season 8 that really sent shockwaves through the TWD Family: Shiva.

Shiva, Ezekiel’s beloved tiger, was in the right place at the right time after Ezekiel, Carol and Jerry were trying to escape the outpost. They were doing well until Ezekiel’s injuries slowed them down and they encountered the toxic Walkers near the watering hole.

Just when things looked bleak, Shiva swooped in and saved the day.

Watching the massive tiger protect her master was touching, but it was also gut-wrenching to see the majestic beast as she was overcome by too many Walkers. Unable to shake them off, she died protecting Ezekiel and giving him the time they needed to escape.

After losing almost all of his men in battle, losing Shiva was the last nail on the coffin for Ezekiel, who returned to the Kingdom a defeated version of himself. He was no longer the King in his mind, but “some guy” playing a role.