The Walking Dead has plenty of strong female characters that could be lead characters. Here’s a look at 10 zombie killing chicks who would slay in their own spinoffs.
A recent article over at Comicbook presented 10 characters from The Walking Dead universe that would be able to carry a spinoff on their own and many of the choices I agreed with. However, I couldn’t help but notice that not a single pick on that list was female.
The Walking Dead has plenty of strong female characters that are capable killers and interesting enough to carry a full spinoff on their own. In fact, as far as genre shows go The Walking Dead universe is one of the only shows that consistently gives women roles that are well developed. The Walking Dead has never shunted women to the background or reduced them to eye candy tropes.
It could be argued that women in some ways are more prepared for the apocalypse world than men. After all, just walking down the street and being female can be risking your life at times. Women are taught situational awareness and how to read a room from childhood just to survive. And with the increased focus on telling women’s stories these days it would be interesting to see Walking Dead spinoffs besides Fear The Walking Dead that featured female protagonists.
So while the men that were chosen in the Comicbook article are definitely all great choices for potential future spinoffs there are some great female characters that also would be great choices for a spinoff of their own. One thing that The Walking Dead excels at is telling compelling and multi-faceted stories that seamlessly weave together the lives of random strangers. Any of these ten female characters would be brilliant starring in a spinoff that would tell stories of the fight to survive the apocalypse from a female perspective: