The Walking Dead: 10 Female Characters That Could Carry A Spinoff

The Walking Dead; AMC; Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier
The Walking Dead; AMC; Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier /
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Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) - The Walking Dead Photo by Gene Page/AMC
Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) – The Walking DeadPhoto by Gene Page/AMC /


Maggie is a powerhouse. She’s lost more than almost anyone on The Walking Dead and she keeps coming back stronger and stronger. I struggled with whether or not to put her on this list but ultimately decided that while the character is certainly strong enough and interesting enough to lead a spinoff she’s not a good candidate for a spinoff.

That’s because her story is too intertwined in The Walking Dead to carry over to a spinoff. In order to really understand and connect with Maggie it’s necessary to have watched her journey throughout The Walking Dead. I felt that the other characters were a product of more than just their experiences on their origin shows and their stories could be established through flashbacks or other means.

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But in order to really get a sense of Maggie’s character it’s essential to have seen her growth from the sheltered farm girl she was in season 2 to experiencing the loss of the farm, falling in love with Glenn, losing Hershel, Beth, and ultimately losing Glenn. So, since it would be necessary to have watched all of the original The Walking Dead in order to understand her character I didn’t think she was a good candidate to lead a spinoff even though she is a strong character.