The Walking Dead: 10 Female Characters That Could Carry A Spinoff

The Walking Dead; AMC; Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier
The Walking Dead; AMC; Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier /
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The Walking Dead; AMC; Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis
The Walking Dead; AMC; Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis /

9. Jadis

Love her or hate her Jadis is a very interesting character. And just like not much is known about the Oceansiders not that much is know about The Scavengers either. Seeing how The Scavengers formed and how Jadis became the leader could be another spinoff that would provide more background information about the world of The Walking Dead.

So far fans have only gotten to see a few survivor communities in depth, and many of those formed in the same way. Groups of people who found each other and banded together to try and survive without a lot of intention behind it. But those groups also have been relatively small. The Heapsters have a huge community built in a pretty unlikely place. The decision making that went into that as well as the creation of the garbage civilization and how Jadis became the leader would be a strong spinoff.

There’s also a lot of potential for storylines about The Scavengers and what they find and what they see when they are out looking for items to scavenge. When they were first introduced they said that they had been waiting for a long time for someone to get the supplies from the boat, so obviously they prefer not take risks themselves. But they can fight, and fight well, when they choose to.

Also it would be great to find out the story about that haircut. Really, how and why did that happen?