Was season 8 episode 10 of The Walking Dead any good? Here are the good, bad, and interesting things from ‘The Lost and the Plunderers’ on March 4, 2018.
After the heartbreaking season 8 midseason premiere of The Walking Dead last week, AMC changed the focus back to All-Out War for episode 810 to show the survivors fighting for their lives and their freedom.
Titled ‘The Lost and the Plunderers’, this week’s episode of the popular zombie survival drama series focused on the fallout from the death of Carl and continued to push the story forward to find out what is next for our favorite survivors.
While fans have a lot of questions going forward, the biggest question should be whether or not season 8 episode 10 titled ‘The Lost and the Plunderers’ was good or if it fell short of fan expectations.
Let’s talk about the good, bad, and interesting things from episode 810 of The Walking Dead starting with the positives!