The Walking Dead 809, Honor: Things To Note
By Liam O'Leary
8) As Morgan makes a point of killing The Saviors patrolling The Kingdom, Carol looks on in concern. It’s a great visual display of not only how far Carol and Morgan have gone (In opposite directions, no less) since they were first found by The Kingdom in Season Six’s “Last Day On Earth”.
9) This episode gets its name from both Carl’s instructions to Judith about honoring Rick, as well as his conversation with Siddiq, who vows to honor Carl.
10) Carl tells Judith “Sometimes, kids gotta show parents the way”. This is the same thing Carl tells Siddiq during their second meeting in “The King, the Widow, and Rick”.
11) Considering the title of the midseason finale, and the use of that phrase in that episode, it’s ironic that, while lamenting the war, Gavin tells Ezekiel that he had to die, “That’s how it’s gotta be“.
12) Gavin asking Ezekiel “You think I can be someone else?” feels akin to Dwight telling Daryl he should have killed him in Season Six’s “Twice As Far”. Both men seemed to feel condemned to their fate as Saviors and not happy with that prospect.
13) The revelation by Ezekiel that, by avoiding conflict with The Saviors, he was doing more to protect Gavin than his own people, is an interesting one. Was Gavin under some threat of punishment the entire time he’d been collecting from The Kingdom?