The Walking Dead 809, Honor: Things To Note
By Liam O'Leary
14) The incident Carl refers to as he tries to convince Rick not to kill The Saviors is his killing of Jody during Season Three’s “Welcome To The Tombs”. While Carl had previously admitted what he did, this is the first time he’s specifically acknowledged that it was wrong. I don’t count him mildly referring to it to Michonne in Season Four’s “A”.
15) Henry killing Gavin was clearly meant to parallel Carl’s aforementioned situation as well as Morgan seemingly coming to the same realization Rick had in said situation.
16) Henry is played by Macsen Lintz, the younger brother of Madison Lintz, who played Sophia.
17) Gavin is the eleventh named Savior to die this season.
18) This episode reveals that the dream we’ve been seeing this season is not Rick’s, but was, in fact, Carl’s.
19) The image of light pouring on Carl through the church window as he lay on the floor is reminiscent of a similar scene with Father Gabriel in “Time For After”. The religious iconography is not lost on the moment, either.
20) Carl is the first member of The Group (Maybe the first person in the series) to commit suicide after being infected.
Next: The Walking Dead, How It's Gotta Be: Things To Note
And, with that, we’ve concluded our Things To Note for this week. Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Feel free to throw in your things to note in the comments!
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