Review of The Walking Dead episode 813: Do Not Send Us Astray

- The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
- The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
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Peggy Sheffield as Dana, Avi Nash as Saddiq - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Peggy Sheffield as Dana, Avi Nash as Saddiq – The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 13 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

The good stuff from TWD 813

  1. The new doctor testing Siddiq. She came across as a real hard-nosed woman but the doctor at The Hilltop just wanted to make sure he had the right mindset to do what needed to be done from a medical standpoint. Of course, Siddiq passed with flying colors.
  2. Maggie stepping up as a vocal leader. For Maggie, she has transformed a lot over the years, but this is the point of her strongest authority (unless you count her pursuit of Glenn). She is showing she can make tough decisions and get people to follow through on them.
  3. Tobin opening Carol up. Even though Tobin said he wasn’t owed an explanation, he deserved one after Carol disappeared from Alexandria. Carol’s words helped her find a little more about herself while giving closure to someone who never got it before.
  4. Tara moving on. Tara’s desire to kill Dwight ended when he sacrificed his own safety to protect the group from The Saviors during their trip from Alexandria to The Hilltop. Although Daryl isn’t quite there yet, this is a great step forward for her.
  5. Learning their value. While many members of Negan’s group learned the value of their life to the organization, nearly all of them returned to The Saviors at their first opportunity. However, one of them named Alden stayed behind, not wanting to be a part of that group any longer.