What were the good, bad, and interesting things from season 8 episode 15 of AMC’s The Walking Dead titled ‘Worth’ airing on April 8, 2018?
Now that episode 815 of The Walking Dead is in the books, the only episode remaining in season 8 is the big finale, which will air on Survival Sunday along with the season 4 premiere of Fear The Walking Dead.
Titled ‘Worth’, this week’s episode set the stage for what could be the end of All-Out War or possibly a step backward for Rick Grimes and the people of Alexandria, The Hilltop, and The Kingdom as they stand against Negan and The Saviors.
With the possible help of Oceanside and the fury of Rick and Maggie blinding any chance for mercy, with the resolution to war be a bloody one, or a peaceful one like Carl envisioned before his death?
Those are big questions, but first, we should turn our attention to episode 815 and whether it was good, bad, or interesting. Let’s get started by talking about the positive stuff and things we liked from ‘Worth’.