The Bad Things from TWD 815
- Gregory begging for help from The Saviors. Sure, he didn’t like being kept in the cell with The Saviors, but why did he think he would be treated any better at The Sanctuary? Sure, he can’t live on his own, but nobody really wants him in their corner since nobody can trust him.
- Capturing Eugene. At this point, Eugene can’t be trusted anymore. It would take something major for him to convert back to Alexandria after getting a position of power with The Saviors and feeling respected. It will take some effort, but the chances are slim.
- Simon is a killing machine! He has now wiped out Oceanside’s men and all of The Scavengers except Jadis. Knowing that he is responsible for two of the biggest massacres in the show’s history shows just how horrible he can be.
- Planning a revolution. Simon is right that Negan doesn’t handle things Simon’s way, but there is no way that Dwight can be included on this when he’s already playing a double agent with Rick’s group. And this attitude resulted in Simon’s death.
- Dwight trusting Gregory. How desperate does someone have to be before they are willing to put their faith in Gregory? He knew he couldn’t get the note to Rick, but Gregory could. This is Gregory’s golden ticket. He could have either ratted out Dwight to Negan or actually helped The Hilltop to gain favor. He chose wisely to return him.
- Losing Simon. Yes, this is in the bad category. Steven Ogg is an amazing actor who brought a lot of charisma and intensity to the screen every time he was on it. Sure, he’s still a walker on the wall of The Sanctuary, but we’ll never get to hear or see his crazy actions again.