The Walking Dead: All named character deaths from season 8

The Walking Dead season 8 logo - AMC
The Walking Dead season 8 logo - AMC
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Jesus and Neil - The Walking Dead - AMC
Jesus and Neil – The Walking Dead – AMC


  • Played by: Karl Funk
  • Introduced: Episode 611 ‘Knots Untie’
  • Died: Episode 808 ‘How It’s Gonna Be’
  • Killed by: Simon

One of the hardest working people at The Hilltop, Neil is often seen working with the blacksmith, farming, or working out in the yard. He also took part in the exercises to prepare for war led by Maggie.

There were also times he is seen at The Hilltop opening, securing, or barricading the gate before or after someone leaves but is also a valuable part of the defense when it comes to protecting the community.

He was part of the charge in the season 8 midseason finale at the gates of Alexandria to fight off The Saviors and The Scavengers and was part of the crowd listening to the speeches following the altercation.

In his final moments, he was in the car with Jesus, Maggie, and Dianne when they were stopped by a roadblock created by Simon and The Saviors. Holding Jerry as a prisoner, they showed they mean business by executing Neil with a single shot to the head.