The Walking Dead: All named character deaths from season 8

The Walking Dead season 8 logo - AMC
The Walking Dead season 8 logo - AMC
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Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Mike Seal as Gary, Saviors - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Mike Seal as Gary, Saviors – The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC


  • Played by: Mike Seal
  • Introduced: Episode 704 ‘Service’
  • Died: Episode 815 ‘Worth’
  • Killed by: The Saviors

Gary was introduced the first time The Saviors visited Alexandria. He approached Negan with the video camera that Deanna used to interview all the new people coming to the community and could often be seen as part of Negan’s group during his travels.

He was also part of the group that was collecting goods from Alexandria after they found guns and supplies on the trapped island. Gary and David discovered a note that he believed to be disrespectful to The Saviors, and beat Aaron for it.

Often used as hired muscle, Gary was used for beating people up and doing manual labor. Whether it was thrashing Dwight, moving trees from the road, or intimidating people, he was always involved in Negan’s plans.

Gary was part of the group joining Simon during his uprising against Negan. However, when the leader of The Saviors found out about the coup he ordered his people to excute all the defectors, most of which were nameless aside from Gary.