Treason, as defined in the U.S. Constitution, occurs when someone, during a time of war, “Provides aid and comfort to the enemy”. By that definition, Gregory is a textbook traitor.
While my prediction from last season, namely that Gregory was the one who informed Negan about Rick’s plan, turned out to be untrue, Gregory did his damnedest to make it true. As we learned in “The Big Scary U”, had Simon been there when he arrived, Gregory would have told him Rick’s plan, possibly tipping The Saviors off even earlier than they already had been.
Then, after failing to spill the beans, did the next worst thing: Trying to order the soldiers of The Hilltop to stand down, under threat of expulsion. He was, basically, threatening to expel people (And their families) from the Hilltop unless they, approximately one third of The Alliance’s army, abandoned their compatriots when they needed them most.
Of course, being a two-bit backstabber (Almost literally, last season) is par for the course for Gregory, yet, he managed to outdo himself.

After his attempt to take Hilltop out of the battle failed, Simon deemed him worthless and kicked him (Literally) out of The Sanctuary and left him to fend for himself against the herd Daryl had brought to the battle.
As he was about to leave, Father Gabriel risked his life to rescue the little snake-in-the-grass. And, what does Gregory do? He steals Gabriel’s car and leaves him there TO DIE!
Dear God…what a scumbag.
But, wait! There’s MORE: After one of The Savior P.O.W.s turned, and most of the rest of The Saviors escaped The Hilltop, Gregory was left with the choice to either stay, and help Henry, who’d been knocked out during the escape, or flee with The Saviors. And what does Gregory do? Why, leave Henry (Whose a kid, in case anyone forgot!) behind, and flee Hilltop, leaving it open for walkers to get in, of course!!

In all honesty, though, none of this should surprise any of us.
Why? Well, what do all those things have in common? The answer is: They were all about Gregory saving his own worthless skin!
Every scummy, sketchy, underhanded, and selfish thing Gregory’s done this season, much like last season, was because of his inexhaustible cowardice. Yet, amazingly, it seemed like this season, Gregory managed to take all his cowardly antics from last season and dial them up to eleven!
In a zombie apocalypse, or times of war (Never mind one in the other), cowardice isn’t inherently bad, if the person in question can fight against it and try to some good in spite of it. Gregory, however doesn’t even attempt to do either!
Everything he does is motivated by his own selfishness and desire to save his own skin, even if his actions to do so, actually put him in greater jeopardy. He seems incapable of doing anything even remotely selfless and is devoid of even the slightest bit of courage. While he may not be the most irredeemable, he certainly lacks anything to make him, in any way, redeemable.