15) The first named character to die this season is Bill, Leland’s friend with the hat. Let’s see if we can keep a tally going!
16) Hardy, Leland’s friend with the high beard, is the second named character to die this season.
17) Leland is the third named character to die this season.
18) In reference to shooting Leland in the shoulder, John says that while Leland was a “Unique kind of asshole, I didn’t want to kill anybody today”. The fact John has an aversion to killing provides an interesting parallel to Morgan.
19) This also brings up an interesting question: Why does John not want to kill? Hopefully, we’ll find out as the season progresses.
20) The jeep Morgan finds abandoned along the road is, in fact, the same one he found The Stranger in earlier.
21) Morgan burying The Stranger is a return to a practice imparted upon him by Eastman during their time together in Season Six’s “Here’s Not Here”.
22) In a funny bit of (almost) symmetry, the episode ends as it begins: With a new character asking a familiar character “What’s your story?”
Next: The Walking Dead, Worth: Things To Note
And, with that, we’ve concluded our Things To Note for this week. Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Feel free to throw in your things to note in the comments!
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