Fear The Walking Dead may be set right where The Walking Dead left off, but, last week, we went back in time. What happened? Find out in this week’s Things To Note!
With another week of Fear The Walking Dead down, that means it’s time for another installment of Things To Note!
This week, we got our first flashback into the group’s lives between the end of Season Three and the present. We got a glimpse into an indeterminate time between those two points, with the group residing in a baseball stadium. We met new people, as well as getting clues about what happened to some familiar ones.
But, that’s all stuff we could see just from watching it. If you’re interested in the things that weren’t quite so obvious, then, you’ve come to the right place. For the uninitiated, I find all the little details, clues, references, and other things that you might have missed the first time.
Are you ready to see them? Because it’s time for this week’s installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!