Fear The Walking Dead 406: Did anyone die in Just In Case?

John (Garret Dillahunt) and Morgan (Lennie James) in Fear the Walking Dead 406. Photo: Richard Foreman/AMC
John (Garret Dillahunt) and Morgan (Lennie James) in Fear the Walking Dead 406. Photo: Richard Foreman/AMC /

Fear The Walking Dead continued to surprise fans this week and left the episode with one character’s fate hanging by a thread.

Fear The Walking Dead had fans screaming with a shocking twist and a possible major death in this week’s episode ‘Just In Case’. Fans found out more of the backstory of how Madison, Strand, Alicia, Nick and Luciana found each other after the explosion at the dam.

And a lot more of Naomi’s tragic backstory was revealed as well. Her story gives a little more insight into her character and why she’s always running away. But the shocking twist at the end of the episode has to make fans wonder what her motives are, and what they have been from the start.

There was surprise and joy when John saw Naomi alive, but in a heart stopping instant their reunion was cut short was an Alicia shot at Naomi and John stepped in front of her. John Dorie took a bullet, seemingly to the heart, and Alicia didn’t look to upset by it.

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So is John Dorie dead? He didn’t die instantly. And Naomi is a nurse, so maybe she can save him. But after Nick’s shocking death earlier this season is seems like there is truly no safety for any character on Fear The Walking Dead this season. And now fans will have to wait two weeks until the next episode to find out if the already beloved John Dorie is going to make it out alive.

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No one knows if Madison is still alive or not, or where she might be. But given the intense stand off tonight between The Vultures and Alicia’s group it seems likely that in the next episode or possibly in the midseason finale there will be more heavy casualties. Hopefully John Dorie will make it but with The Vultures outnumbering Alicia’s group in manpower and gunpower it could be the case that more originals don’t survive past the first half of this season.

One thing is for sure – this season of Fear The Walking Dead is surprising viewers every week with fantastic character development and engaging storylines that have everyone wondering what will come next, and who won’t survive.

Next: Fear the Walking Dead 406 recap: Just In Case

The Fear The Walking Dead midseason finale is in just a couple of weeks and based on the episodes of season 4 that have aired so far it’s safe to say that whatever happens will be something that fans don’t see coming.