7) This episode gets its title from the name John bestows upon Naomi, “Laura”.
8) John working at Humbug Gulch, a Wild West show, certainly explains his attire, his choice of sidearm, and his proficiency with it, all of which have been pretty unique for either series.
9) As John and Naomi pass beneath the bridge over the river, you can see an abandoned road construction project, complete with a work truck. While the idea that such projects would be abandoned as the outbreak began makes sense, the abandoned truck leaves it looking like the outbreak occurred in the area very suddenly, forcing the crew to run for their lives…assuming they survived at all.
10) Naomi losing her child is the first real bit of backstory (Outside of her occupation) that we’ve really gotten on her this season.
11) How, exactly, did Naomi’s kid die? Was it before the outbreak? During the outbreak? During whatever incident occurred that resulted in the gash she showed up with? Is this something we’ll learn later this season?
12) Incidentally, Naomi’s the second person to join Fear this season to have lost a child before the season began (Morgan’s the first, in case you’re wondering).