Strong Women on The Walking Dead
Whether they passed on seasons ago or still live presently, these women represented the other side of strength in a cast full of already strong women. They took steps out of their comfort zones, saved the ones they loved and fought back with the only means they had available to them.
Olivia stepped up even out of fear to strike a man who terrorized her and her friends, Beth learned to be brave with a skill set that saved others, Dianne’s skills will easily inspire other females to fight, Andrea displayed perseverance even against all odds and Sherry’s selfless choices saved her ex-husband.
Each of them could have had stronger character developments and made positive contributions to the series if they were given the opportunity, and thankfully Dianne (and possibly Sherry) will continue to develop in future seasons. While no one is safe on The Walking Dead, no one should be forgotten.
Next: All named character deaths from TWD season 8
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