MVP from Fear The Walking Dead episode 406: Just in Case

Jenna Elfman as Naomi, Kim Dickens as Madison Clark - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Jenna Elfman as Naomi, Kim Dickens as Madison Clark - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC /

Which character made the biggest impression during season 4 episode 6 of Fear The Walking Dead titled ‘Just in Case’ to be named the Most Valuable Person?

Fear The Walking Dead hasn’t stopped hitting viewers with surprises during season 4, delivering another shocking moment by revealing that Naomi isn’t dead, despite Alicia telling John that she died at the baseball diamond.

Season 4 episode 6 of the AMC zombie survival drama series still has a lot of explaining to do as far as the story going forward, but there were characters who have interesting and compelling stories develop during the ‘Just in Case’ who deserve recognition.

After much deliberation, one character was named the MVP from season 4 episode 6 for going above and beyond.

The MVP from Fear The Walking Dead 406 is Madison Clark

Madison has the patience and mindset of a saint in season 4. Her willingness to put hardships on her shoulders, forgive the past, and forge forward to protect and provide for her family have made her one of the most likable characters currently on the show.

Victor Strand continues to test her, but she keeps putting her faith and hope in him, with a desire for him to change into a more team-oriented survivor despite his history with Madison and the Clark family.

She also allowed Naomi to leave if she wanted, even provide her with some resources if she wanted to leave, not putting any obligation or stress on her to become part of their group but still extending the olive branch for her to stay if she wants.

Also, she continues to hold her ground at the baseball diamond, wanting to establish a home and future for her family there after spending so much time attempting to survive on the road or running when civilization fell.

Other options for an MVP from this episode are John Dorie for finding the woman he loves and taking a bullet for her and Morgan Jones for attempting to stop the bloodshed between The Vultures and the heavily-armed survivors.

Next: Was FearTWD 406 any good?

Who do you think the MVP from season 4 episode 6 of Fear The Walking Dead was? Do you agree that it was Madison, or would you have chosen a different character? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below.