Ten things that should happen in season 9 of The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead season 8 logo - AMC
The Walking Dead season 8 logo - AMC /
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 15 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan – The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 15 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

Negan’s Backstory

Throughout season 8 Negan’s mysterious past began to surface in small pieces. He revealed he had a wife he was unfaithful to and that his bat Lucille was named after her.

On these occasions, he was on the verge of tears. This softer side to the brute doesn’t present itself often.

Negan doesn’t go into depth about how he met his wife or even what he was up to before the apocalypse. However now that he is disarmed, wounded and at Rick’s mercy now would be a good a time as ever for some flashbacks.

Regarding how the flashbacks should be handled, it would be interesting to have them present themselves as hallucinations. In the past Rick, Daryl and Tyreese have had hallucinations of people they lost or thought they lost which gave viewers a peek at what their past or current emotional turmoil is like.

This will be the perfect setup to see this other side of Negan The Walking Dead kept hidden. Especially since the show had been trying to insinuate that both Negan and Rick are not that different from each other.

Negan can easily be sitting up in his cell, in silence thinking back to his marriage with Lucille and remembering all of the times he was unfaithful to her. These memories could lead up to her death and then to his arrival at The Sanctuary.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Carl presents himself to Negan as well. What do you think Negan’s past entailed?