He Is More Than A Moral Compass
John has his own moral code, and we’ve seen that before when he came after Morgan. He’s dedicated and loyal to his friends. Thinking back to those early moments with Morgan make us realize how much it must have hurt him to lose Laura. He’s loyal, even when the loyalty isn’t offered in return. More importantly, though, he has a moral code that guides him.
As a former police officer, John was already dealing with the weight of killing someone before things went sideways. He refuses to use his guns to kill, he tells Laura, because he made that mistake once and he won’t repeat it. But when push comes to shove, John also knows that sometimes you have to bend those rules because in this world the rules don’t mean much if you want to stay alive.
Don’t expect to see this moral compass going by the wayside anytime soon, though. John might be the one who breaks the cycle for moral compasses in The Walking Dead universe. If anyone could stay alive, it’s him. (Except when it comes to protecting people he cares about…as we saw with him taking a bullet for Naomi)