The good stuff from FearTWD 407
- John isn’t dead. Admittedly, it’s easy to be a little too attached to John at this point, even after only knowing him for 7 episode of the show. Still, losing him after being shot by Alicia would have been awful, especially since viewers already saw Nick die during season 4.
- Not killing Charlie. If Luciana would have chosen to shoot and kill Charlie after what she did to kill Nick, it would have been totally understandable. Many people live by the mantra of ‘an eye for an eye’, but Luciana showing mercy on the young lady could be just what she needed.
- All life is precious. Morgan wants people to stop fighting each other and start working together, but changing people’s mindset and creating peace isn’t something that is easy to set into motion. Still, for him to do what he can do to push people in the right direction is quite admirable.
- Naomi continues to impress. The way she handled Mel when he had a knife to her throat was bold and calculated. It’s easy to tell she’s been surviving for a long time and dealing with quite a few people she’s really not too friendly with. She is a smart survivor, but not great at vocalizing her intuition or concerns…still, there is a strong survivor there.
- Now we know why the survivors blame themselves. Everyone leaving the diamond to check on Mel left the baseball field undermanned had to be tough. An ocean of walkers between Nick/Alicia and Madison with the rest of the survivors at the diamond is just a bad situation for the survivors to handle.
- Madison being a mother and a leader. In earlier seasons of the show, Madison was a leader. Not always a great one, but she made a lot of decisions even if it meant pushing her family away. This new version of the character is a welcomed addition to the group and having her be a more dynamic character has made her instantly more interesting.