How can you tell when someone’s too far gone in a zombie apocalypse? Last week’s Fear The Walking Dead midseason finale gave me a few ideas.
A zombie apocalypse can push people to their limits, both physically and psychologically. Those pushed to their physical limits are pretty easy to spot. Those pushed to their psychological limits? Not quite so easy.
However, being able to recognize the people who are on the edge is kind of a useful thing to know, as it can help you distinguish who can be brought back from the edge, and who’s too far gone.
Now, these aren’t absolutes, but, if you’re seeing people doing the things I’m going to list here, I think the time for negotiating is just about over. Chances are, the people doing these things are well past that point, and out for blood.
Shall we begin?
#1: Holding grudges against people who didn’t DO anything to them.

Over the last two episodes of this season of Fear The Walking Dead, we watched as Alicia desperately tried to hunt down Naomi and kill her, and was willing (And attempted) to kill anyone who tried stopping her.
…What was the point?
I mean, I know she, Nick, Luciana, and Strand blamed the other people in their group who abandoned The Diamond for Madison’s death, but…blaming Naomi seems like a stretch.
First of all, they assumed Naomi died in the ballpark, ergo, they also assumed that she wasn’t one of the escapees. This means that the incident they blamed Madison’s death on…they didn’t even think Naomi participated in!
Yet, the moment they saw her alive, they just considered it a betrayal, and decided that they were going to kill her. Let me reiterate: Because Naomi survived the attack on The Diamond, Alicia, Strand, and Luciana decided to kill her.
Which brings me back to my question: What was the point?
You see, if someone in your group starts exhibiting this kind of behavior, it’s time to stage an intervention. Are you really willing to let them go on some lunatic quest to kill someone for little to no reason? I mean, Morgan was able to talk Alicia out of her vendetta, so, I guess, hypothetically, it’s possible.
If they won’t listen, well…you got a problem on your hands.