The Walking Dead: The Final Season by Telltale to be the last of its kind

The Walking Dead: The Final Season title screen - Telltale Games and Skybound
The Walking Dead: The Final Season title screen - Telltale Games and Skybound

Telltale Games is ending their undead story with The Walking Dead: The Final Season and they are also changing the way their games are made after the title.

Many fans of The Walking Dead video games from Telltale Games were disappointed to find out that the next installment of the award-winning series to take place in the zombie-infested apocalypse created by Robert Kirkman.

The stories involving Clementine, Lee, Javier, and A.J. have been some of the most compelling and emotional storytelling to ever grace a video game and has created a world where heartbreak and overcoming adversity happens on a regular basis.

The end of an era is always a sad thing, but a recent report shared by Variety is making it seems like Telltale Games’ big finale will be significant for another reason.

Reportedly, The Walking Dead: The Final Season will be the last game used by the developer using the Telltale Tool engine and future games will be using the Unity engine instead, which is considered to be an industry standard.

While this change is massive for future Telltale titles, it makes the heartbreak of Clementine’s last game for the company even more powerful in terms of familiar things coming to an end with this specific title.

With the recently announced game based on Stranger Things and other games out there based on The Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, Batman, and more, the future is bright for Telltale Games and moving to a more stable engine could help to improve the overall quality of the games themselves.

Also, with Telltale Games signing a deal with Netflix, this could bring a great series of interactive storytelling to one of the most popular streaming video platforms in the world, which coincidently is the home to AMC’s The Walking Dead and Stranger Things.

Next: More information on The Walking Dead: The Final Season

The Walking Dead: The Final Season from Telltale Games will release Episode 1 from lead writer Jess Krause on August 14, 2018 with the following episodes being released at the later date.