Before you dive into the next episode of Fear The Walking Dead, find out the details of last week’s midseason premiere with this week’s Things To Note!
Last week’s midseason premiere of Fear The Walking Dead introduced us to a new goal (For Morgan, at least), and a whole new, and, frankly, a very different, threat. How will this affect the group? Who will end up with whom? Who knows, but, whatever the case may be, I think it’s going to be fun to watch.
But what about everything else that happened last week? Well, that’s what I’m here for! I found as many little tidbits, references, clues, and trivia that I could, to bring them all to you! To be fair, there was a lot that seemed pretty straightforward last week, but I think I did a good job covering everything else.
So, enough stalling. Are you ready? Because it’s that time again!! It’s time for another installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!!