Morgan faced some adversity and indecision while trying to decide what to do next during season 4 episode 11 of Fear The Walking Dead. Here is our review!
Fear The Walking Dead has put fans on a highly emotional journey during season 4, tearing relationships apart and creating others while putting survivors in situations that constantly test their physical and mental limits.
That style of storytelling continued for season 4 episode 11, which featured Morgan starting another journey but getting greatly sidetracked by some strange situations and some new survivors.
“The Code” took fans on another unexpected trip, but the big question from the episode on Sunday, August 26, 2018 is whether or not it was any good and what positives or negatives came from it.
Let’s take a look at some of the good, bad, and interesting things from AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead episode 411 staring with the things that were either done extremely well or made fans smile.