Some new characters new joined Morgan on Fear The Walking Dead this week and they’re unlike anyone Morgan has met so far.
Fear The Walking Dead is hurtling towards the end of season 4. With just a few episodes left this season Morgan’s journey back to Alexandria has taken a detour. While Alicia and Charlie were trying to survive in that old house Morgan ended up taking shelter in a semi that deposited him in Mississippi. There he first met Sarah and Wendall, the twins, who seemed friendly but are more like friendly pirates than reliable friends. And he met Jim, who is obsessed with brewing beer.
Morgan had an extremely close call when Jim knocked him down a hill into a group of walkers. He put his “I don’t die” theory to the test and managed to survive but it was touch and go for a bit. And he wavered when he had to decide whether or not to go back to Texas to try and find Althea, Alicia, and the others or continue on to Alexandria.
Sarah and Wendall offered to take him to Alexandria in exchange for being allowed to go with him, but then they left him to die on an SUV surrounded by walkers after getting what they thought were the directions to Alexandria. Eventually they realized that the directions were wrong and came back.
Morgan took control of the situation and told Sarah and Wendall that they would all be driving back to Texas to find the others and then to Alexandria. But can Sarah and Wendall be trusted? Will Morgan ever really get back to Alexandria? And is it too late for him to find the others in Texas? Our panel breaks down the big questions from Fear The Walking Dead “The Code”: