Everything started to come together in last week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead. Did you miss anything? Catch it all in this week’s Things To Note!!
I don’t know about you, but, I loved last week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead. We got, for all intents and purposes, a webisode within this episode, telling the backstory of Martha, formerly known as “The Filthy Woman”, which explained her bizarre philosophy, her grudge against Polar Bear, as well as a teensy bit of Polar Bear’s backstory, too. If you’ve been reading my articles on Fear long enough, you know how much I enjoy webisodes, particularly ones which address the beginning of the outbreak, like Martha’s.
Of course, not only did we see Martha’s backstory, but the culmination of machinations in the present, too: Attacking the group and derailing their plans of reuniting with Alicia, Charlie, Strand, and John.
However…that wasn’t all that happened. Hidden within last week’s episode were a slew of hints, clues, references, callbacks, foreshadowing, and trivia that you might not have noticed the first time through. That’s why I went back and gathered it all up, so you could enjoy it the second time around!
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of Fear The Walking Dead: THINGS TO NOTE!!