Was season 4 episode 15 of AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead any good? Here are the positives and negatives from “I Lose People…” on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2018.
Fear The Walking Dead is setting the stage for what should be an action-packed season 4 finale episode by taking episode 415 as an opportunity to bring the survivors together to escape their deadly situations.
Not only were they still dealing with the fallout from the storm, but there are walkers, gators, and a mentally unstable woman all around to make living in the zombie apocalypse even more challenging.
Still, there were some really positive things or things that were done extremely well that happened during season 4 episode 15 titled “I Lose People…” as well as some things that either missed the mark or didn’t make a lot of sense.
Let’s start the review with the positives from episode 415 of Fear The Walking Dead before discussing the negatives, interesting things, and taking an overall look at at “I Lose People…” as a whole!