It’s a fight to survive as the Filthy Woman unleashes her fury on Morgan and his friends. Here’s your recap of the season finale of Fear the Walking Dead “I Lose Myself.”
The finale begins with Al running from a herd of walkers. The look on her face says it all – she’s tired and desperation is looming. She’s alone and she’s surrounded. Before she can be overpowered in an alley, she finds an open door and manages to get inside. It’s a parking garage and there’s a working walkie in one of the cars. She starts calling Morgan and June. She escaped through the hospital basement and spent the night in a parking garage, and now she’s south of the hospital. The radio fizzles out but she looks up to see an unexpected, albeit welcome, sight: A news van.
Al grabs a new camera and hotwires the patrol car she’d found before taking off. Now armed, she goes off in search of her friends. She spots the spot where Walker Jim fell, and then she turns around to find Walker Jim and Martha. Martha says she likes Al because she isn’t weak. She watched Al’s tapes and she saw that there were so many needy people being interviewed but Al never gave them anything other than whatever it took to get their stories. She likes Al, so she asks for a favor. She knows Morgan will be out looking for Al, and she has a message for him. But Al won’t take the message. The Filthy Woman can tell him herself. She likes Al’s ferocity, so she releases Jim with a smile. Al shoots him, and when she turns again Martha is there. Martha knocks her out cold.
Cue the credits: The scene is complete. There is the same field, but this time there are bluebonnets in the foreground along with a bush. The clouds are moving across the sky and the city looms over the road in the distance. The phone poll is still askew after the storm. This is the culmination of the entire season in one frame. But does the sun and the dark clouds mean that there’s a light up ahead, or that dark times are coming?
When Al wakes up, June is there. She’s in the SWAT van. Al is disoriented but she asks where Martha is. June says they found her in the street. John says there was no sign of Martha. Al tells them that she saw Jim and asks if everyone else is ok. June asks what Martha said to her and Al mentioned that Martha liked her. But she didn’t carry her message to Morgan. John informs her that she was the Filthy Woman’s carrier pigeon.
Outside Morgan watches a tape. The Filthy Woman used Al’s camera to film a message to him and she says that he didn’t heed her numerous warnings. She vows that the next time they meet she will be so much stronger than she ever was, and she’ll be waiting for him. After switching off the camera, Morgan looks off into the distance.
That night, Sarah asks Morgan about Virginia. They’re all around the campfire and he tells them about Alexandria and the other communities. Al jokes about the King and the pet tiger. Strand hands Al a bottle and asks how the patient is. She smiles and says she’s much better now. Luciana radios that she found more gas so they will be taking a caravan to Virginia. Morgan wants to go back to the mini-mart to load up on supplies, both for themselves and for their roadside drops, which he plans to continue all the way to Virginia.
Later on Morgan watches the video again. John says he can take over watch duty after heeding nature’s call. He tells Morgan that he thought he’d have to run after him again, figuring that he’d run away again. Morgan wants to help the Filthy Woman because she’s dying. John reminds him that they tried helping her several times and all she wants to do is to kill them; how will he convince her to accept them? Morgan reveals that he used to be just like her. John offers to come with him to help but he gives them a map and sends them on ahead to Alexandria. He needs to do this alone. He’ll meet up with them. John shakes his head, but he says that she isn’t the only one who is stuck. Morgan vows to meet them in Virginia, hopefully with her. John gives him two days. They will wait for him at the rest stop for two days before they look for him. But John says his gut tells him to leave her be. She doesn’t want to be “caught” to use his fish analogy. But it could be that Morgan is the fish. Morgan takes off on his journey.
Alone in the dark, Morgan walks along the road. He calls to Martha on the radio and tells her that he wants to show her the other way. She responds and says she knew he’d come for her. She’s at mile marker 54.