The Fear the Walking Dead season 4 finale provided a cinematic finish to the season that changed everything. Here’s my review of “I Lose Myself.”
The Fear the Walking Dead season 4 finale was a cinematic experience. The super-sized episode felt like a short film that perfectly encapsulated everything that happened in season 4. It was brilliant. Not only was the ending satisfying, but it charts the course for what’s to come in season 5.
I’ve been a cheerleader for Fear the Walking Dead season 4 all along, to the extent that I was accused of having an “inflated opinion” with regards to how I see the show. I’m ok with that, because I truly believe that season 4 injected some much-needed life into the series. Though losing Madison Clark was really rough, the season finale demonstrates that Madison will always be in present as the survivors honor her legacy with their new mission of seeking out people who need help.
Fear the Walking Dead could have ended after episode 415’s “I Lose People” and it would have made for a suitable ending point. The Filthy Woman would still be out there, and the group would be in danger. After so much loss, however, showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg wanted to end on a hopeful note. The group now has a mission and a direction that they didn’t have before, and they’re going to work together to make sure that Madison and Polar Bear’s vision lives on.