Farewell to Arms
Tara is up on a lift keeping an eye on the herd. She calls to Rick, aka Mother Goose. She reports that the herd is right where they want him. She calls Piper One (aka Jerry) who starts up an alarm. Rick calls to make sure it worked and it did. He gives her more orders and then returns his focus to Alden, who is there about the missing Saviors. He’s concerned that the Saviors didn’t return to the Sanctuary and some of them have families and newborns so it doesn’t make sense that they disappeared. As the only community without guns there is concern. Rick says that they disarmed Sanctuary for a reason. Alden says they’re scared, and Rick promises that they’ll be protected. Unfortunately that sounds a lot like what Negan promised. Rick notices that the second siren didn’t go off. Tara says that the herd isn’t turning.
Daryl notices that the mules are getting spooked. Aaron and some other men are working on loading logs and when the herd approaches one of the Saviors releases the rope and Aaron’s arm gets stuck. Daryl fights them off and soon he’s able to help free Aaron, whose arm is completely shredded. Rick and the others arrive and help fight. Carol is surprised to see Ezekiel there fighting, but he says he heard there was trouble. Rick frees the logs to mow down the walkers and it works.
Enid is alone at the infirmary when Daryl shows up with Aaron. She takes one look at the injury and knows she has to amputate. Aaron is in shock and Daryl asks if she has something for the pain. Medicine won’t work fast enough so she tells Daryl to hold him down while she works. She starts cutting and Aaron screams. It’s terrible.
Daryl charges out of the tent and goes to find out who was supposed to turn the herd. It was a Savior. He’s talking to Carol and he says the walkie wasn’t charged but Daryl reminds him it was a solar battery. Daryl attacks and they fall outside the tent. Carol has to physically restrain Daryl, who says that the Saviors are the problem.
Michonne praises Maggie’s work at the Hilltop. Maggie says that she knows Michonne wants common laws but she will always protect her people. Maggie is giving the Sanctuary the food and Earl is out of jail working on supervision. Michonne asks what changed for her and Maggie tells her about Hershel’s drinking problem. Hershel gave people second chances. But Gregory took advantage of the system and she doesn’t think that some people can be redeemed. Maggie admits that they might need to figure out who judges redemption.
Rick heads back to his tent when Justin tells him to keep Daryl on his leash. Rick says that when he was a cop he saw guys like him every Saturday night. He tells him to leave and the Savior says he’ll be gone immediately. Rick visits Enid and Daryl is there to help. Aaron says he’s hanging on. Rick apologizes for what happened. Aaron reminds him that he couldn’t have known this would happen. Everything has been about this project, Rick says. Aaron says the bridge is worth it. He remembers when the apocalypse first started and Rick is bringing the world back. He’s part of Rick’s new world and he’s proud.
Gabriel and Anne sit outside and Gabriel says they’re hearing frog mating calls. It must be quite a party. Anne wants to ask a personal question, and she asks about the woman he wanted her to draw. She’s willing to talk about her past, but not her secrets. Gabriel says that the woman played the organ at his church. He cared for her but in the end he lost everyone, even her. Anne thought priests were celibate, but he proudly proclaims that he’s Episcopalian. She’s wondering what’s stopping him, and that’s when he leans over and kisses her. They’re supposed to be on watch duty, so she tells him to watch.