It was Aaron’s life-threatening injury that grabbed everyone’s attention during season 9 episode 2 of The Walking Dead. He lost half his arm but hasn’t lost his spirit.
Season 9 of The Walking Dead has Rick trying to build a new world which is easier said than done. Most recently Aaron became the latest victim of this process and the focus of this week’s most memorable scene.
This incident involving Aaron occurs while Tara and Jerry are trying to redirect walkers from the area. However, the flesh eaters stumble their way towards workers prepping logs for the damaged bridge. Aaron and Daryl are there working alongside the Saviors. As walkers approach the Saviors bolt, disregarding the logs. In the chaos, Aaron’s arm is crushed.
To save to his life he is taken to Enid, who is currently training under Siddiq. She makes the tough decision to amputate his arm. The emergency procedure will prove to be traumatic however his life couldn’t be in better hands. Considering this was Enid’s first surgery as a medic in training she was able to complete the job impressively.
The nail-biting scene was enough to make anyone cry out of concern for the hero and the realization of how his life will be changed forever. Thankfully, the amputation is a success and Aaron’s spirits remain at an all-time high. What makes this intense scene memorable is how it will change several lives, specifically Aaron’s.
This was one of the hardest tests he had yet to pass after losing Eric. If this accident were to happen to anyone else, they would not have handled it as well. It’s amazing how nothing gets Aaron down. The man rolls with every punch, or log in this situation, and refuses to give up.

The fact remains this tragic accident will change both Aaron’s and Enid’s lives forever. The two already have a close bond which made the situation all the direr. Enid’s confidence will increase and soon she may be training others in the medical field. Before learning the medical trade, her place was with Maggie at The Hilltop but now she found her true calling.
It’s a relief to know Aaron will live to see another day. Unfortunately, the fact remains that the loss of a partial arm will affect his everyday life including raising Gracie. Just earlier that day he was telling Daryl all about her with a smile. While Aaron will have to recover, Daryl’s time to shine may have arrived and he should help with Gracie.
The underlying issue is Rick now has one of his own out of commission. That is one less person on his side whom he can trust. Aaron’s injury has unfortunately created more tension between Rick and Daryl since it widens the gap between The Sanctuary and the other communities. Though not all the Saviors are to the blame, the unruly ones are for Aaron’s injury.
If Rick does not take care of the Saviors who refuse to comply more innocent lives will be put in danger. Aaron has become a prime example of what happens when friends rush to help and enemies who even unintentionally continue to harm.