Cooper Andrews is cooking cobbler ahead of WSC Atlanta

Cooper Andrews as Jerry - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Cooper Andrews as Jerry - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Jerry is known for his cobbler on The Walking Dead, and the actor who brings him to life is bringing the cobbler for fans at Walker Stalker Atlanta.

The man behind some of the best comic relief moments of the zombie apocalypse is coming to Walker Stalker Con in Atlanta October 26-28 and he’s bringing cobbler for everyone! In a recent social media post Andrews shared a photo of come delicious-looking cobbler while revealing his plans to make more, so much more, to share with his friends in Atlanta.

Cooper Andrews quickly became a fan favorite on The Walking Dead from the moment Jerry appeared in season 7. Known as King Ezekiel’s ax-wielding squire, Jerry tends to relieve apocalyptic tension with cooking, and his cobbler is second to none. That’s why Andrews is making a TON of cobbler to bring with him to Walker Stalker Con.

Andrews can be seen in his Instagram post with ten trays of cobbler, and he notes that this is just the tip of the iceberg: “WSC Atlanta! Last year we made four times this amount of cobbler for everyone that came to say hi to me. My family and I will be doing it again NEXT WEEKEND for what will be an amazingly tasty time!” He ended the post with the hashtag #ItsCobbleringTime.

Season 9 of The Walking Dead reveals a whole new world as the group works to rebuild in the aftermath of All Out War. Thankfully the passage of time has allowed for the development of new buildings, new friendships and new romantic relationships. One such romantic relationship is that of Jerry and Nabila, which is a beautiful match if ever we’ve seen one. Nabila kicked some serious butt during All Out War and she’s the perfect complement to Jerry’s larger than life personality.

Andrews will be joined by a huge list of current and former cast members from The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. For tickets and information, visit the Walker Stalker Con website.