What were the good, bad, and interesting things from season 9 episode 3 of The Walking Dead? Here is a review of the Oct. 21, 2018 episode “Warning Signs”.
The Walking Dead has given fans a little different look at the zombie apocalypse during season 9. Instead of fighting against a big force, Rick and the survivors are attempting to band together to re-create civilization by opening trade and communication between the communities.
However, bringing people together hasn’t been an easy venture to this point. as tensions have been high when it comes to dealing with the survivors from The Sanctuary, who were the villains for the last two seasons of the show.
Season 9 episode 3 brought more of that conflict to the forefront, focusing on the people who can’t let go of grudges or even those with revenge or killing on their mind. This provided plenty for fans to discuss during the Oct. 21 episode.
There were a lot of really good moments from the episode as well as some that didn’t quite hit the mark. Let’s break down the good, bad, and interesting from episode 903 of The Walking Dead starting with the positives!