Talking Dead guests for The Walking Dead episode 904 on Oct. 28

Chris Hardwick - Talking Dead - AMC
Chris Hardwick - Talking Dead - AMC /

Take a look at the guest list for Talking Dead on Oct. 28 to discuss season 9 episode 4 of AMC’s The Walking Dead titled “The Obliged”.

The zombie apocalypse is changing in a big way during season 9 of The Walking Dead and the first handful of episodes have set the tone for what should be a highly explosive and emotional set of episodes to come.

Thankfully, Talking Dead will be there once again to discuss the episode on Sunday, Oct. 28, breaking down the action from season 9 episode 4 of the undead drama titled “The Obliged” while live with host Chris Hardwick!

Here is the list of guests who are scheduled to appear on the program according to the official Talking Dead Twitter account:

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

After last week’s episode where Maggie and Daryl agreed to go after Negan, JDM’s character should be concerned. However, since the character is locked in his cell, there are chances Negan may be safe from all the revenge missions going on in the communities. But how long can he be held prisoner before he is killed or freed?

Michael Rooker

He’s been a survivor of the zombie apocalypse and guarded the galaxy, but there is nothing quite like Rooker himself. The blunt, yet charismatic actor is always a good addition to Talking Dead and will make an impression on the discussion for sure. Plus, Merle was recently mentioned on the show as an example of not getting revenge…so perhaps that will be a catalyst for action in this episode.

Angela Kang

The new showrunner for The Walking Dead has been creating some interesting episodes in season 9 and has many fans excited about the new direction of the zombie drama despite losses to some of the show’s main cast members. She will be on hand to discuss her passion regarding the series, shed some light on the current situation, and look to the future.

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What do you think of the guest list for Talking Dead? With so many great individuals attached to The Walking Dead, it should be both an entertaining and educational episode of the post-show discussion programs for all fans to enjoy!