While Negan and Michonne spoke of the past and Carol tried to bring her people home, Rick found himself at the end of the line. With no way of escape, Rick’s fate may be sealed.
Rick was prepared to stop Maggie from seeing Negan at all costs this week on The Walking Dead. While trying to prevent a walker infestation from reaching Alexandria Rick’s sacrifice may cost him his life becoming this week’s most memorable scene.
Trapped in a sinkhole with no means of immediate rescue the Daryl and Rick grappled. To Rick’s surprise, Daryl was not on his side and withheld the knowledge of Oceanside’s involvement with the missing Saviors. Daryl was quick to defend Maggie’s desire to kill Negan and Rick retaliated with his reason for keeping the ex-leader of The Saviors alive.
Rick confesses he had to save Negan to make Carl’s dream come true. A united world whereby Negan’s imprisonment will prevent further discord. Able to reconcile their differences, Daryl and Rick work together to freedom, avoiding tumbling walkers in the process. However, more walkers are approaching and the last thing Rick wants is for them to reach Alexandria by compromising the bridge.
Against Daryl’s judgment, Rick gets on a white horse and prepares to lead the walkers away as Daryl leaves on his motorcycle. Everything seems pretty standard in the walker guiding process until Rick comes to another herd in the direction he was hoping to go. Right on cue the horse gets startled, throws Rick off, leading to the gut-wrenching sight of the main character, impaled on a pile of broken concrete.
An explanation is hardly needed as to why Rick’s unfortunate fate is this week’s most memorable moment. It has not been any secret that every Sunday has been a countdown to Rick’s final episodes. However, it is the way he will disappear from The Walking Dead that remains a mystery. Will he die or will he somehow be saved via outside help meaning there is an opportunity for Rick to return.
From what was presented to audiences, Rick is in no shape to survive without immediate treatment. The upcoming scenes of his final episode show that Rick appears to have freed himself with a life-threatening wound while also finding himself back at the hospital from season one. Followed by other scenes from past seasons this can easily be Rick’s life literally flashing before his eyes as he is dying. The Walking Dead has done this before, seasons ago when Tyreese was bitten and succumbing to his fever.

If Rick manages to free himself, there is little to no chance he will make it back home alone. This would be a great time for Daryl to turn back around and follow him disregarding Rick’s orders. But if Rick dies, Daryl can mourn with the knowledge that he was a brother to Rick. They may have never met outside of the apocalypse but through it, Daryl got more than a friend and leader from Rick. He got the brother he never had.
Rick changed and saved countless lives including the woman he’d later love; Michonne. The time they spent together would always be treasured and he bestowed on her leadership skills she didn’t realize she even had. Michonne logically should be taking Rick’s place in Alexandria. If Daryl is unable to lead, Maggie occupied at The Hilltop, Carol abandoning The Sanctuary to be with The Kingdom, Michonne will have to take the mantle. Taking Rick’s morals and values she can rise up and ensure the future Carl believed in.
People like Carol, Tara, Aaron, and even Negan will all be affected similarly to this catastrophic loss. Though Morgan remains on the Fear The Walking Dead side of the field, word will reach him that the man he saved who in turn saved him has left the world. Rick did not leave the world behind. He left his name, his spirit, his legacy in every single person both good and bad. He became more than a name having struggled and surpassed more than anyone on the entirety of the show.
If Rick’s final episode will be his tragic death then it will be far from mediocre. Rick was never mediocre. Not even when he made poor decisions.