Rick is still on the bridge and he gets back up, limping along as blood spurts onto the ground. He crosses the bridge as the walkers follow and the water races along below. He stops on the other side and watches as they cross. The bridge is holding and they’re making it across.
He’s about to be bitten by a walker when the walker is taken out by an arrow. Rick looks to see Daryl and the whole group there, for real this time. Maggie snaps into action and she and Carol work to create a diversion as Michonne realizes that he’s hurt. They know he’s trying to keep the herd from the Hilltop. Rick shakes his head and Daryl gets the message. Daryl keeps shooting the walkers closest to Rick when the walkers knock over a box of dynamite.
Michonne races through the woods as Daryl keeps shooting. Rick looks at the dynamite, raises his trusty Colt Python and fires. “I found them,” he says as the bridge goes up in smoke.
Daryl’s eyes fill with tears as Rick appears to be gone.
The walkers go into the fire and fall into the raging river.
Maggie and Carol hold back Michonne as she screams.
Daryl walks away, back into the woods.