Rick Grimes survived thanks to Anne and the mysterious helicopter. To the audience’s relief, his mysterious departure spoke volumes on a very powerful episode of The Walking Dead.
Episode 905 of The Walking Dead titled, “What Comes After” featured many memorable scenes all leading up to the tearjerking conclusion no one saw coming. The most memorable moment was when Rick sacrificed himself for the community but was saved at the last moment.
No this was not a dream, Rick was able to muster all the courage he could to escape death once again on his final episode after making the decision to sacrifice himself and the bridge but was saved by Anne as she waited to be picked up in the helicopter.
Though Rick wanted to hold onto the idea what the bridge would mean for the new world he had no choice but to destroy it. Rick sacrificed himself preventing a walker invasion just as Anne was waiting for the helicopter making her selfless act to save him this week’s most memorable scene.
To recap; Rick struggles but frees himself and climbs on the white horse. Fleeing with a large walker horde following behind he loses consciousness several times. Each time he does he has vivid dreams of speaking with several people he knew since the beginning of the apocalypse.
When Rick finally arrives at the bridge he had hoped the combined weight of the walkers would break it. When that plan fails, the only option is to destroy it via dynamite just as Michonne, Daryl, Carol, Maggie and the rest of the group try to help. Upon the destruction, everyone believed Rick died in the explosion. Unbeknownst to them, he was found alive by Anne.
Seeing Rick on the brink of death by the river filled with dead walkers she radios to the helicopter, “I’m trying to save a friend. A friend who saved me.” When Rick awakes he sees Anne in the helicopter with him. She promises with deep sincerity, “You’re going to be ok. I’m gonna save you.”
Assuming Rick receives the help he needs and survives this trial means he can still return to The Walking Dead. The news that three films for AMC will be released means Rick’s fate after episode 905 can remain open-ended. Trouble is, no one but Anne knows Rick is still alive.
For people closest to Rick like Michonne, Daryl, and Judith his absence will prove to be monumental. On the one hand, his loss will break hearts, while on the other will make people stronger. From what was shown at the very end of the episode is that alongside another time skip, Judith is already channeling Rick by donning his sheriff hat in front of a group of unknown survivors.

The time skip will show just how Rick changed the course of the many lives he touched throughout his time on The Walking Dead. While Daryl and Maggie may take partial blame for Rick’s presumed demise, Michonne should hang onto the hope that he survived. A key reason is the fact his body was never found. Will she attempt to search for him? Or will she take his role as leader and continue living hoping he will return?
With no one present at the time of Rick’s rescue, there is no telling where he could have gone. Anne never revealed whom she was speaking to, not even to Father Gabriel. Who knows if she will return to tell the others what happened to their leader. The only person at Alexandria who is aware of the helicopter is Negan. However, he never spoke of it to anyone since the sight of it in season 8’s episode “Still Gotta Mean Something”.
Negan’s new, happier self as shown in the previews for the next several episodes looks to be having conversations with Judith. This means Negan’s first steps to becoming friendlier with the community have begun. He may be one of several key players in helping Michonne find Rick if she chooses to search for him. Her search may be put on hold due to perhaps another Grimes on the way? As of yet, no confirmation has been made whether she is pregnant with Rick’s child but if she were to be will be another example of Rick’s legacy carrying on.
Anne’s noble decision to save Rick’s life cannot be overlooked either. While she was untrustworthy when she used the name Jadis, Anne had proven herself by saving Rick. She didn’t have to and could have left never to be seen again. But if she was able to see beyond her past to save a man like Rick than that should speak for the kind of impact Rick made in the post-apocalyptic world.