The Walking Dead best fan reactions to ‘What Comes After’

Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC /

The Walking Dead said goodbye to Rick Grimes for now and delivered one of the biggest episodes the show has done so far and fans had a lot of feelings about it.

A lot of The Walking Dead fandom is still reeling in the aftermath of “What Comes After” which was Rick Grimes’ last episode of the show. But it was revealed after the episode that a trilogy of movies featuring Rick Grimes and set in The Walking Dead universe will go into production next year. So the iconic sheriff will be back in a whole new way.

But first Rick Grimes’ story on The Walking Dead needed to be wrapped up. And a critically injured Rick revisited the past through hallucinations that led him from waking up in the hospital after the apocalypse to Hershel’s farm and to the present day. Shane made an appearance, as did Hershel and Sasha. It was Scott Wilson’s last performance before his death, and fans were both happy and sad to see Hershel one last time.

The episode was also the last episode for Lauren Cohan. After deciding that making Negan live as a prisoner was a worse punishment than death her story wrapped up for the immediate future. She will not return again in season 9 although she may be back in season 10 or later.

Fans who were ready to say goodbye to Rick were shocked when he was saved by Jadis and the helicopter and he was taken in the helicopter to their community. But the biggest shock was the six year time jump immediately following that. In the first look at the time jump Magna’s group arrives, and they are saved from a herd by a 10 year old Judith who has Rick’s Colt pistol, a child size katana, and Carl’s sheriff hat. Here are some of the best fan reactions to the tumultuous and emotional events in “What Comes After”:

So many great tweets to choose from this week but the tweet of the week this week has to be this one from The Walking Dead official account:

Rick and Hershel. Two icons gone from our lives. One forever, one thankfully will be back. But neither will ever be forgotten. The first part of the epic saga of The Walking Dead has ended and the second has begun.

Next. The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes' legacy. dark

And judging from the previews for the next three episodes Angela Kang and the writers and producers and directors are getting ready to take us on a wild ride. The Whisperers are almost here. What did you think of Rick’s final episode? Tweet us @SonyaIryna and @UndeadWalkingFS and tell us.