This week’s episode of The Walking Dead shows us that a lot has changed in six years. Here’s your recap of “Who Are You Now?”
The Walking Dead 906 begins with Michonne, who is talking to someone. She says that she’s still there too. She’s visibly emotional as she says things aren’t any easier for them over time. Time keeps passing and they can’t make sense of it.
While she talks we see Daryl in a tent, and then he goes out to fish. While in the water a walker emerges and he kills it.
Carol wakes up. Her hair is much longer now, and Ezekiel is asleep beside her. She gets up and looks out the window at the Kingdom, where people are busy working.
Michonne rides to a van that has been abandoned and she grabs all of the supplies she can find. She talks about the desperation and loneliness, but there are flashes of light. Inside the van she finds a little sheriff toy that she holds lovingly.
Daryl spots a walker stuck to a tree. A bird flies onto its shoulder to pluck a worm from it, and then it flies up to its nest to feed its babies. Michonne talks about keeping up the fight.
Carol tends to the crops, then she turns and spots a marigold growing.
Michonne rides off, talking about how she keeps going “for you, for us.” She hasn’t given up, and she vows that she never will. She stands up and looks out one last time before riding away again and we see that the bridge is in the same condition it was when Rick blew it up. It hasn’t been repaired.
Rosita, Aaron and other members of the community call for Judith, who brings her friends with her. Luke says they were overrun and they owe their lives to Judith. She grabs Aaron’s canteen and says they need their help. Luke offers to make osso buco with the deer one of the men has, but Eugene says they make stew with the meat. Rosita says they can’t help these people, but they’re interrupted by walkers emerging from the woods. Connie signs to Kelly that they’re coming and everyone prepares to fight but it’s Eugene who steps forward confidently and takes them out. Judith says they need food and medicine, and she refuses to leave without them. Aaron agrees, and they grab the injured Yumiko and head off.